Jenifer and I both love our kids to death, like any moms. I revealed in my last blog post how the two of us have both struggled with our children's illnesses. My daughter Casey has Juvenile or Type I Diabetes; Jenifer's son Tony has epilepsy.
Many people assume that because there's medicine to treat these diseases that it cures them. That's not so. These are disease for which there's no cure. There's hope, but no cure.
We love our kids and want to support parents who also have children with special needs. That's why I'm offering a free portrait session for any families with special needs kids. Whether your child has a chronic illness or another serious medical condition, as parents of children with similar problems, we want to help.
Please call the studio for your free portrait session appointment. Call 434-392-3550.
Today I'm going to share with you something personal – and hopefully, you'll get something out of it too.
Last year, my daughter Casey got very sick. She was finally diagnosed with Type I or Juvenile Diabetes. Learning about this incurable autoimmune disease and helping Casey adjust to the lifestyle habits she'll need to stay healthy has been a long journey this past year. I'm thankful she's doing well and her doctors diagnosed and treated her condition early.Although there's no cure for Juvenile Diabetes, with good care and careful monitoring Casey's diabetes is under control.
Strangely enough, not long after Casey was diagnosed, my assistant photographer Jenifer learned that her 15 year old son, Tony too had an illness and was diagnosed with epilepsy – another incurable disease.
Insulin is NOT a cure for diabetes and pills are NOT a cure for epilepsy.
Both of our children are managing quite nicely. But that got me to thinking about the many other children out there and their parents also dealing with life-threatening illnesses. And I wanted to do something special for them.
Starting July 1, we'll be donating a free portrait sitting fee to any family with a special needs child.Call the studio and make an appointment.
As moms of kids with incurable illnesses, we know how disheartening it can be.We'd love to give you something special to help you celebrate the beauty of your child.
Call for a portrait session today.
Also, as a way to bring awareness to Juvenile Diabetes and Epilepsy as well as other childhood illness we will be sharing with you some images we have captured of our children in recent months and tell you more about both illnesses.